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Yayasan 1 Malaysia


Yayasan 1Malaysia was form in July 2009 as non-partisan, independent and non-profit foundation. This foundation is set up by a group of Malaysian who are like minded and keen to see the success of 1 Malaysia concept, which is guided by the federal constitution become central in the lives of all Malaysian.

Vision & Mission

  • To engage all Malaysians in working towards national unity and the 1Malaysia concept.
  • Yayasan 1Malaysia is dedicated to develop, support and spearhead activities and programmes promoting national unity

To promote a Malaysia that is united in its diversity by:

  • Providing access, engagement and support for public sectors and civil society involvement in social issues across the spectrum of Malaysian society.
  • Forming and developing  national unity development's program.
  • Providing policy input on national unity and other critical public policy issues via economic, social and political research or analyses as well as engagement with key stakeholders.
  • Encouraging public awareness and participation in critical social development and public policy issues and program.
3 Main Activity Focus by Yayasan 1 Malaysia:

  1. Engagement and support for civil society groups in charitable and nation-building activities.
  2. Research and dialogue on public policy issues, especially relating to matters of national unity.
  3. Communication of the 1Malaysia concept through various media, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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